

Past Events

We believe in celebrating our milestones and reflecting on our journey. Take a look at our past events, where we’ve come together to share stories, build skills, and strengthen our community. Each event is a testament to the power of collective action and the spirit of empowerment among Pan-Asian women.

InnovASIAN Symposium 2024

Start date: February 15, 2024
End date: February 16, 2024
Location: Washington Marriot Georgetown

The symposium featured two panels highlighting influential Pan-Asian women in leadership and technology. The “Women of Influence” panel featured industry leaders, while the “Women Leaders & AI” panel explored the intersection of AI and female leadership. Both sessions highlighted the importance of mentorship, innovation, and empowerment, inspiring attendees to create impactful professional paths.

A Glimpse into the Future: USPAACC-WISE Data Center Tour at CoreSite

Date: February 7, 2024
Location: CoreSite Advanced Data Center

USPAACC WISE members visited CoreSite’s advanced data center, learning about data management, security, and innovation. The event highlighted the importance of technology in driving business and societal progress, and emphasized diversity and inclusion in the tech sector, inspiring future generations of Pan-Asian women in technology.

Women of Wise (WOW) Meetup in San Francisco

Date: January 28, 2024
Location: San Francisco

San Francisco hosted a dynamic WOW Meetup, bringing together women from diverse backgrounds for an empowering session of mentorship, connection, and growth. This event fostered community among participants, providing a platform for sharing experiences and insights in the heart of the tech world.

Women of Wise (WOW) Meetup in New York

Date: November 30, 2023
Location: New York

A vibrant gathering of inspiring women, marked by engaging discussions, and networking. Attendees had the unforgettable experience of seeing themselves featured on the digital screens of Times Square, symbolizing the visibility and impact of women in leadership.

Monthly Mentoring Circle

Date: November 12, 2023